What is a Professional Medical Bicycle Fit?

What is a Professional Medical Bicycle Fit?  A Medical Bicycle Fit is aimed at injury treatment and prevention for cyclists of all abilities, from recreational to racer.  If you have neck, back or knee pain, saddle sores, or hand and/or foot numbness, your bicycle probably doesn’t fit you properly.  Correct cycling position is key to improving performance, optimizing comfort, decreasing pain and preventing injuries.

Medical Bike Fit appointments include biomechanical evaluation to determine cycling posture and pedaling mechanics, video analysis of body positioning to detect problems in cycling form, comprehensive muscle, and a joint and bicycle evaluation to improve you’re cycling mechanics and reduce risk of cycling-related injuries. Flexibility and strength testing as well as exercise prescription for injury prevention and pain reduction are also included, followed by static and dynamic assessment to correctly position the saddle, stem length and angle, pedal-cleat interface, among other adjustments.

Most insurance plans can be billed if you are experiencing pain as a result of your cycling activity.

Jason Lunden, DPT, Sports Clinical Specialist, is a Certified Bike Fitter and provides Professional Medical Bicycle Fit appointments in our Bozeman office.

By Tiffany Coletta